REBarcamp Texas is a Go!

We’re not going to let any grass grow under the succcess of REBarcamp! After conferring with a few initial volunteers, we have decided to hold REBarcamp in Houston Texas on Oct 22nd the day before the Houston Association of Realtors annual Trade Show, to be held at Reliant Stadium. HAR does a great job every year of putting together one of the largest association events in the country. If you’re planning on exhibiting, make sure you come in a day early for the event, you won’t want to miss this! If you’re interested in exhibiting, send me a DM on twitter ( @mlbroadcast ) or email me at mprice AT mlbroadcast dot com and I will get you in contact with the right people at HAR. The next annoucement will be confirming a SWEET location for the event I am working on. So, get ready Ya’ll!