Quick Commericial Break: Five Minutes with Frank Garay and Brian Stevens

Okay, so maybe a wee closer to six minutes… please do check out this short video where I interview one of our sponsors, Brian and Frank with Think Big Work Small, about the upcoming NW Video Marketing Summit. 


This event is the day before Seattle RE BarCamp, on March 2nd, at the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms and has 4 clock hours for real estate agents. Visit www.videomarketsummit.tv to learn more and to RSVP.

PS: All Seattle RE BarCamp sponors have the opportunity to submit a blog post for this site. If you’re interested in sponsoring and having your article published here, give us a shout!

Save the Date! 3-3-11

December 21, 2010 by Rhonda Porter  
Filed under 2011, REBC Basics

Yes, it’s true! A group of local real estate professionals have been busy planning the next Seattle RE Barcamp. If you’ve participated in an RE Barcamp before, then you’re probably eagerly waiting on the edge of your seat to learn more of the when and where so can attend the next event.    If you’re scratching your head right now, wondering what on earth a “rebar camp” is, then I highly recommend you check out this quick post written by Jim Marks, [note, this link seems to be out of order right now...we're getting to the bottom of this and will have it fixed soon!] who also happens to be our Key Note Speaker.

We are very excited to announce that the next Seattle RE Barcamp is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2011 at the Seattle Center (same great venue as last year).

At this time, we are looking for our much needed, adored and appreciated sponsors — we cannot do this without you!

You can follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/REbarcampSEA and on Facebook.   Please spread the word — share us on Twitter, Facebook and via email!

We hope to see you on 3-3-11!

A Few Things to Know Before Attending Seattle RE Barcamp

March 17, 2010 by Rhonda Porter  
Filed under 2011, REBC Basics

If you’ve never been to an RE Barcamp before, don’t worry!   Many people attending are going to be in same boat.    Some may have one or two RE Barcamps under their belts but many are new to the unconference experience.    Each RE Barcamp tends to have their own personality because the day is determined by the attendees–you suggest topics that you would like to learn more about.   Here are a few quick tips on what you may want to know before attending the RE Barcamp March 3, 2011 at the Seattle Center.

Dress comfortable.   You’ll be walking from session to session and to lunch…to and from parking.    It looks like we’re going to have sunny weather on Friday in the mid-60′s!

Bring a Donation.   Please consider bringing a caned food donations or your gift of cash or a check (remember this is a free event so donate generously to a very worthy cause) to donate to our community partner,  Solid Ground. This organization is doing good work in our local community!

Come early! Registration and coffee start at 8:00 a.m.   We have a limited supply of gorgeous water bottles for the attendees (first come first serve).   Show up, get your coffee, water bottle, visit with friends and start suggesting your topics!

The Venue.   We are in the Northwest Rooms at the Seattle Center.  This is just north of Key Arena.   There is free wi-fi.   The rooms will easily accommodate 500-600.

What do you want to learn? Is it basic or advanced social media?  Is there something going on in the real estate biz that has nothing to do with social media?  It’s all good–suggest a topic…start thinking now and write it down.   When you arrive Friday morning, your great idea might escape you so please do bring some notes in advance.   You will be given index cards to jot your ideas down and they will be submitted for the agenda.

barcampboardThe Agenda. Following the Key Note Speaker, Jim Marks will be Jim Reppond.   Jim will give the participants a quick run-down of what to expect and how RE Barcamps work (kind of like this post).    The agenda will probably be a big taped grid on a hall way wall for all to see.   You’ll be visiting it often throughout the day as the agenda may change.    From all the ideas for topics submitted by the attendees, we will develop a schedule for the day.    Each session will run about 50 minutes with 10 minute breaks for you to revisit the agenda and get to your next session.

Again–the agenda may change…sessions may be moved to a different room so don’t worry about planning your entire day when you first see the agenda.

Sessions. RE Barcamp sessions are for the most part, are lead or moderated by your peers.   In my opinion, the best learning takes place the more people get involved and share their knowledge and what works for them.   You have the option of sitting back and learning–getting involved, asking questions and sharing will create the richest learning environment.   It’s not about one person “teaching” or “presenting”.   You may have some sessions which can turn out that way.   Each session is unique.    You have the power to be as involved as you want to be and you also have the power to “vote with your feet” if a session you’re attending does not seem beneficial to you–you are welcomed to check out a different one.    After all, there will probably be around 5-7 different sessions running at the same time.   You can suggest new topics throughout the day–RE Barcamp is totally what YOU make of it.

Lunch. There is no sponsored lunch this year.  Jim Reppond has created this map which shows various parking and lunch options.   Plus, with the beautiful weather we should have, you just might want to pack a sack lunch and eat outside (we did in 2010 and it was beautiful).   The lunch break is scheduled for 1:00 – 2:00 pm.   You are welcome to take lunch or breaks whenever you wish–you’ll just be missing part of a session.

The event wraps up at 5:00 pm and is followed by a Tweet-Up (social hour) TBD 5:30 pm on Thursday… you’ll want to show up early so you can take advantage of the Happy Hour (which ends at 6:00 pm).   RE Barcamp and our sponsors will be providing some tasty snacks to start the event.

In fact… RE Barcamp actually starts Wednesday night at the Kick-Off Party at 5:30 pm. TBD

We look forward to seeing you!

iPhone App for Seattle RE barcamp is here!

February 16, 2010 by jimreppond  
Filed under 2011, REBC Basics

iphone-app-icon-largeIf you are an iPhone owner and want to know what’s going on with the Real Estate Barcamp in Seattle, then you’ll want to download this FREE app. It’s in the iTunes store if you search “RE barcamp Seattle” or if you have iTunes installed then  just click here to launch the app to take you to the download page.

The app does not have everything completed yet, but you can follow along the Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and other accounts set up for the event. Make sure to set up notifications and turn them ON to  kept in the loop about meet-ups and after-hour IRL parties on the fly.

The map function will come in handy to find discussion groups (go to Links > Pacific Center NW Rooms) and see where to go. And of course if you haven’t signed up yet, or you want to sign up a friend from your iPhone, click the “Sign Up’ link.

All of these cool features are included in the App donated to us be MobileAppLoader.com, a company that specializes in small business and organization iPhone apps. Major Kudos and Hat Tips to them! If you like it, make comments here and “Rate this” at the iTunes App Store (see below) and it will help push out the word about the event!

RE barcamp Seattle iTunes sceenshot

RE barcamp Seattle iTunes sceenshot

I’m hoping to get an update in and approved by Apple before the event to straighten out the kinks, but even if we don’t have time I think it will be a fun and useful tool for many people.

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