Tribute to the reBarCamp Founders

March 1, 2011 by Rhonda Porter  
Filed under Uncategorized

I can’t help but think of the creators of reBarCamp hours before this event.   I am so fortunate to have stumbled upon (or “magoo’d as my husband and I like to say) upon the San Francisco reBarCamp event back in 2008.   It was an experience that forever changed my idea of learning and conferences…it really was a “you had to be there” experience.

Flash forward, Seattle reBarCamp will have it’s fouth event this Thursday and we’re off the charts with rsvps (we have a  waiting list) and sponsors — which means we are making an extra nice donation to our chosen charity, Solid Ground.

Let’s take a moment to thank those who thought up this whole thing “reBarCamp”.  Back in 2008, I remember the REBC ‘wiki’ and when I tell others stories from the first event in San Francisco, it leaves me feeling like I must be an ancient tribe member.   :)

We owe so much to those who had the vision for this event.  I don’t dare try to name all who I think they are…you know who you are.

We thank you!  I thank you.

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