What is a RE BarCamp?

May 21, 2010 by  
Filed under 2010 Event

Bar Camp events bring together anyone using technology who wants to share and learn. The Real Estate BarCamps are specifically geared toward technology and education for real estate professionals.

The RE BarCamp website explains it well:

RE BarCamp is a BarCamp for Real Estate (R.E. BarCamp). What that means- the event is not structured like a typical planned conference. Every session is not planned out in advance. Nobody is paid to deliver a session. Anybody can deliver a session and attendees are strongly encouraged to participate.

How does that happen?

When you arrive at the event, you will have the opportunity to put your name in a slot to facilitate a session. The number of sessions delivered at any given time depends on the venue and number of attendees. After registration is over, a board will be put up that details each session and what room they are located in throughout the day. The length of the sessions varies at each RE BarCamp event.

If anyone can deliver a session, won’t some of the presentations be terrible?
Possibly, but it it not typical. Some of the best and brightest minds attend these events. They lead sessions and they sit in on sessions. RE BarCamp sessions are group sessions. They are not meant to be presentations by a single individual. Because the audience participates, sessions that may start out a little rocky often adjust and get redirected by the participation and collaboration of the audience. Presentations promoting specific commercial products or companies are discouraged. If you feel like you’re being sold, or if a session is really bad and your participation can’t turn it around, practice the rule of two feet- get up and walk out.

That sounds like chaos. How is that productive?
It can be a little chaotic, but some of the best ideas and invention are derived out of chaos. If you go in looking for a very structured day, you will be disappointed. What you get out of an RE BarCamp event is what you put into it.

What topics are covered in the sessions?
This depends completely on who volunteers to lead a session. The sessions are frequently related to technology usage in real estate but cover any topic from mortgages, to photography to philanthropy. If you want to hear a specific session, facilitate it!

Check out this video of a San Francisco RE BarCamp. Keep in mind that every event will look a bit different depending on the venue. Come with an open mind, prepared to go with the flow and to meet new people, and you’ll have a great time.

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One Comment on "What is a RE BarCamp?"

  1. Tweets that mention What is a RE BarCamp? : RE BarCamp St Louis -- Topsy.com on Fri, 21st May 2010 3:15 pm 

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Karen Goodman, Steven Chau. Steven Chau said: What is RE BarCamp St. Louis? Check it out and sign up!!! http://bit.ly/9Bwfjw #stl #realestate #rebcstl (via @karenstl) [...]