Visiting Chicago For REBarcamp? Hold Off On Your Hotel (For Now).

April 20, 2009 by Dan Green  
Filed under Event Details

Hello, everyone. I’m noticing from the sidebar that a fair amount of attendees are coming from outside of the Chicagoland Area. Yes, that’s what we call it here — the “Chicagoland Area”.

For now, recommend that don’t book a hotel. We’re working on a sponsorship to get rooms for cheap. And failing that, we’ll direct you to a national discount reseller of rooms.

As an example, I booked a 4.5-star hotel in Chicago’s downtown area for $80 a night. You’ll get something similar. And because you won’t need a car, you’ll save another $50 for valet parking. Fly into ORD or
MDW, hop on the El, and make your way downtown. Everything you’ll need is within walking or $7-cab distance.

I hope to have the sponsorships put together within 2 weeks. Grab the feed to stay updated, or watch for updates on Twitter.