BarCamp at the Beach – Orange County, CA | June 25th

Newport Pier

Save the Date – June 25th, for Bar Camp at the Beach. We may be setting a record for the shortest advance warning on a RE Bar Camp but we’ll pull it off. The venue is booked, the website is up, and sponsorship is coming in. Registration will be open soon…stay tuned for details. To stay in the loop, be sure to follow @REBarCampOC on Twitter. We’ll be announcing all new blog posts and relevant information via Twitter as it is available.

Our venue is the Blue Beet Cafe, located just steps from the Newport Beach pier (pictured above).  The venue’s not so fancy (maybe we should call this DiveBarCamp?), but the relaxed environment and beauty of Newport Beach should be the perfect backdrop for some great conversations.  And, hey, its finally a BarCamp at a bar!   The half baked session at the end of the day might take on some extra meaning.