A Word from one of Sponors: Keller Williams Greater Seattle

February 8, 2011 by Rhonda Porter  
Filed under 2011, Sponsors 2011

Stay on the Leading Edge or be Left Behind
By Brad Davis, Keller Williams Greater Seattle

If you’re not adapting to the latest trends in real estate marketing, stay home and gussy up your resume. For those who have a passion and desire to continue making it in this business, RE BarCamp Seattle promises to offer you a leading edge.

Foremost, take a look at your brokerage brand name and logo. Think about the image it portrays to your colleagues and the general public. Ask people what they think or feel about your branding. Is it relevant to Gen-Xers or even Gen-Yers for that matter? Or does your brand image cater more to a segment of the market that’s retired and making ends meet on a fixed income?

Believe it or not, much of the general public thinks we agents are a dime a dozen. Truthfully some agents are and you may actually be shocked how seldom people you know think about you. Given half as many deals closed in the Seattle area compared to 2005, I hope you’ve at least thought about how you’re positioning yourself to stand out from the crowd.

Communicating how you’re unique from other agents isn’t magic or rocket science. It starts with a way of being which should permeate everything you do including how you communicate with your sphere and prospects.

What you’ll discover at RE BarCamp Seattle is very similar to what you’ll find happening daily at Keller Williams Greater Seattle or any KW office for that matter. Exchange of ideas, camaraderie , support, training and masterminding to name a few.

Come month’s end KW will also be releasing to its agents a highly advanced multi-function tool designed to fully manage contacts from initial lead intake all the way through closing. It’s called eEdge. This tool integrates with your existing database, can auto generate marketing campaigns, replaces your transaction management software and much more.  I’m certain you’ll hear much more about it throughout our industry in the coming months.

KW exists to support its agents in the further development and advancement of their careers in real estate. In alignment with our company’s core values, Keller Williams Greater Seattle is a proud sponsor of RE BarCamp Seattle. Come find out what might be missing from your business.

Editor’s Note:  Seattle reBarCamp thanks Keller Williams Greater Seattle for being one of our sponsors and helping to make this event possible.  Please be sure to check them out on Facebook.

Thanks Keller Williams Greater Seattle!

11 Reasons To Sponsor RE BarCamp-Seattle!

February 3, 2010 by debratrappen  
Filed under Uncategorized

My week has been peppered with great chats regarding sponsoring #rebcsea.  Many of the biz owners in my sphere have had the same response:  Money is tight… WHY SHOULD I? or more simply put: What’s in it for me? (WIIFM)

I decided to surf a bit and gather together some of the major reasons why companies become event sponsors.  This may help you in identifying people YOU know (including yourself) who might be interested in sponsoring!

11 Reasons 2 Sponsor Events:

1.  Corporate ID
Companies planned to display their corporate or brand names or logos on event signs, buildings, equipment, programs, uniforms, and/or promotional materials.   

2.  Target Marketing
Many companies saw event sponsorship as a way to reach a self-selected audience, hopefully interested in purchasing the companies’ products or services.

3.  Entertainment Opportunity
A number of companies mentioned that they would use an event as a place to entertain clients.
(Hmmm… sounds like an opportunity to carpool a captive audience to the event!)

4.  Offering Discounts
A number of companies said they would use events as a way to encourage product/service trial, either by offering samples at the event, or, if that was inconvenient, by passing out coupons.

5.  Awareness
Some companies wanted to use event sponsorship as a way to create public awareness of their brands or products. If you are launching a new business – this one is for you!

6.  Image
Some companies hoped event sponsorship would improve, enhance, or change their corporate, brand, or product image.

7.  Usage
Some companies planned to use events to encourage purchase of their products (e.g., buy two items to get a free ticket to the event) or usage of their products (e.g., American Express will donate twenty-five cents to the local symphony every time you use your American Express card).

8.  PR
Some companies cited public relations value (i.e., the newsworthiness of the event and/or the sponsorship) as a reason why they were sponsoring an event. They expected to see their company, brand, or product mentioned in media coverage of the event.

9.  Contests
Some companies intended to use an event as a theme for consumer contests or sweepstakes… with the added bonus of gathering names at an event to develop a mailing list or database of consumers.

10. Demonstration Opportunity
Some companies planned to use an event to demonstrate or display their products/services.

11. Sales Opportunity
Some companies wanted to use an event for on-site sales or to generate sales leads – with both consumers and other businesses! 

REMINDER:  Sponsors who sign up before February 22nd will have their company website printed on our ULTRA COOL BLING this year! 

If you are now inspired to be a sponsor or you have questions on HOW to sponsor… shoot me an email: [email protected].

Check out this example of what the WATER BOTTLE will look like…
You TOO could have your company on this list!!

"Your Name Here"

"Your Name Here"