AltosResearch Provides the answer to “How’s the Market?”

March 14, 2010 by Linda Aaron  
Filed under 2010

Editor’s Note:  We are very pleased to welcome Altos Research back to RE Barcamp Seattle and we know you won’t want to miss their session. For almost 2 years these folks have been supporters of RE Barcamps around the country and we all appreciate the knowledge and time they so graciously share. Thank You Altos Research! And now we introduce Altos Research…

Congrats to the organizers of RE Barcamp Seattle for doing an amazing job of getting everyone excited about attending this “can’t miss event”!  Altos REsearch has sponsored and presented at dozens of RE Barcamps througout the country within the last 18 month. To say we support the concept of a complimentary learning and collaborative environment for REALTORS is an understatement.

At Barcamps, we like to lead a session called, Beat the Headlines”,  Be the Local Market Expert” and “Blogging Without Blogging”. In fact, come to our presentation at REBCSEA and you just might win a prize for jumping in on the conversation!

In case you don’t already know us, we provide the answer to “How’s the Market?” with real time real estate market data. By providing market statistics in real time, real estate professionals can be the market expert, show their value to their clients and use the data for lead generation. Our charts are easy to read and do a great job at helping you SHOW your clients what the market is doing instead of just TELLING them. We gather information on over 15,000 zip codes nationwide. Our data information can be incorporated into open house flyers, listing presnetations, drip marketing campaigns, on your website and used on blogs, Facebook,. Twitter and more!

Everyone comes to a RE Barcamp to learn more about social media and real estate technology. We have worked with REALTORS at various levels of “technological comfort” for over four years and enjoy sharing our expertise.

We look forward to meeting you at REBCSEA!  If you would like to learn more you can check us out right now at  You can also follow us on Twitter @altosresearch and become a fan on Facebook

Again, thanks to the organizers for all the work in putting this event together and to the attendees who have signed up! You are going to have an awesome day!

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