Priorities First is excited to be a sponsor of RE Bar Camp -Seattle

March 10, 2010 by Linda Aaron  
Filed under 2010

Editor’s Note: Please welcome our sponsor Prioirties First, to  RE Barcamp Seattle 2010. We thank you for your sponsorship and look forward to meeting you on March 19. And now a word from Priorities First.

As a professional organizing company, Priorities Firsthas served the Puget Sound area since 1988 we havpriorities-firste heard numerous times how valuable our services are to realtors as well as homeowners. Our services include clutter management, eliminating clutter prior to staging, storage unit management, downsizing, relocation assistance, unpacking, and home organization. >Our clients are pleased by the transformation and how easy it is to get organized and stay that way.

We love what we do and want success for everyone involved. The homeowners are able to reclaim a simplified space, the stagers have clutter free spaces to work their magic and the Realtor has a beautiful home to show to clients. It is a win win for all.

We are thrilled at this opportunity to share ideas with leading real estate agents and to let you know how we may be a value added resource. We also have gift certificate available which make great closing gifts.

I look forward to meeting you at RE Barcamp, Seattle.

Sandee Fahlen

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