Last year we attended RE BAR CAMP/SEATTLE this year Brazen Sotheby’s International Realty becomes a Sponsor

March 9, 2010 by Linda Aaron  
Filed under 2010, Uncategorized

Editors Note: RE Barcamp Seattle welcomes sponsor Brazen Sotheyby’s International Realty. This post is submitted on behalf of  Owner/Broker Joseph Brazen,  thank you Joseph,  we appreciate your sponsorship.

Last year we attended RE BAR CAMP/SEATTLE this year Brazen Sotheby’s International Realty becomes a Sponsor

A year ago I read about the RE BAR Camp and attended, not knowing what to expect. Wow, I was knocked off my feet.
The information covered was outstanding. The energy was amazing. This was really the new wave, the future of Real Estate.
For the next month I told everyone I knew how blown away I was with this event.

This year I am bringing our office and have become a sponsor because I believe in what they are presenting and what they are doing and the information that they are sharing.

I have seen the future of Real Estate and it involves REBAR CAMP/ Seattle!!

Joseph Brazen
Brazen Sotheby’s International Realty
10138 Main Street | Bellevue, Wa. 98004
t 425.454.4141 | f 425.454.3515
| c 425.531.0109
[email protected]

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