Ovaleye Web Solutions: Happy to Sponsor RE BarCamp Seattle

March 8, 2010 by kathynelson  
Filed under 2010, Uncategorized

Ovaleye Web Solutions is the premier web host for women with web hosting plans, products, and services that were specially designed for the needs of busy, passionate, and successful entrepreneurial women coupled with personalized support. We are pleased to be able to sponsor RE BarCamp Seattle after one of our  clients, Scott Thomas, brought it to our attention.

After working with clients who were affected by last year’s market, we understand 2009 was a tough year. However, more importantly we now know what a resilient group of entrepreneurs those in real estate really are. We are happy to see collaboration in your field and wish  you all the best in 2010 as you work together to sell our homes.

We would love to connect with you on Facebook and Twitter, otherwise we will see you all on the 19th!

Please let us know if we can assist you in your goals!

Kathy Nelson and Jennifer Donogh
Ovaleye Web Solutions
‘The premier web host for women’
(877) ovaleye | (425) 844-2303
Keeping social on Twitter & Facebook

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