John G. Wilbanks Photography is pleased to sponsor RE Barcamp Seattle

February 19, 2010 by Linda Aaron  
Filed under 2010, Uncategorized

Hello everyone,

As a residential photographer over the past decade I’ve seen the market go from the highest highs to the lowest lows (I hope).  I’m convinced more than ever that quality photography, photography that will make a listing stand out from others, is one of the most important parts of any marketing campaign.


I believe the correct design of a photo will carry the viewer into and through the image, giving them a true sense of what a home is like. Keeping in mind the speed with which today’s real estate market moves, I’m able to deliver photos the next day and  can even have them available in the same day in some instances.

RE BarCamp is an important event allowing Realtors to get together and share ideas, experiences and ask questions of their peers.  I want to be a part of that atmosphere and share some thoughts on photography with those who are interested.

See you at  RE Barcamp SEA.

John Wilbanks

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